Results for 'Municandra Luigi Suri'

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    Tempo e potere.Luigi Leoncini Bartoli - 2001 - S. Sisto (Perugia): EFFE.
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    La giustizia [di] Platone. Plato, Luigi Marchegiani & Eugenio Ferrai - 1967 - Milano: A. Giuffrè. Edited by Luigi Marchegiani & Eugenio Ferrai.
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    "Schlechthin Nothwendiges Wesen": on the fourth antinomy.Ferdinando Luigi Marcolungo - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (3):33-44.
    Le défi des antinomies joue un rôle décisif dans l'élaboration même de la pensée kantienne ; cela devient particulièrement significatif par rapport à l'Être absolument nécessaire, qui devrait dépasser le niveau des phénomènes même lorsque, comme l'on dit dans la thèse de la quatrième antinomie, l'on l'entend comme quelque chose du monde. Dans la structure même des antinomies nous sommes forcés à aller au-delà de l'expérience, à un Être qui dépasse radicalement le monde ; en ce sens, même à l'intérieur (...)
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    As the methods.Luigi Mastroianni Jr - 2009 - In Vardit Ravitsky, Autumn Fiester & Arthur L. Caplan, The Penn Center Guide to Bioethics. Springer Publishing Company.
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    Image compression by perceptual vector quantization.Andrea Vitali, Luigi Della Torre, Sebastiano Battiato & Antonio Buemi - 2003 - Complexity 408:081.
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    Sounding fragilities: an anthology.Irene Lehmann, Pia Palme, Elisabeth Schimana, Susanne Kogler, Christina Lessiak, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Suvani Suri, Flora Könemann, Veza Fernández, Paola Bianchi, Liza Lim, Electric Indigo, Germán Toro, Chikako Morishita, Juliet Fraser, Molly McDolan, Malik Sharif & Chaya Czernowin (eds.) - 2022 - Hofheim: Wolke.
    Sounding Fragilities enacts a polyphony of writing on contemporary composition, music and performing arts in relation to music theatre. Co-edited by a theatre and performance scholar and by a composer and artistic researcher, this anthology considers its field of investigation through the lens of positionalities. Irene Lehmann and Pia Palme invite readers into intimate encounters with an artist's practice, feminist and queer perspectives, and personal explorations into aspects of musicology, theatre studies, technology and ecology. By presenting female* composers who write (...)
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    Corso di filosofia del diritto.Luigi Lombardi Vallauri - 1981 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Caffeine and Cognitive Task Performance: EEG and EDA Study.Amanda Sargent, Jan Watson, Hongjun Ye, Rajneesh Suri & Hasan Ayaz - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Neuroergonomic Assessment of Hot Beverage Preparation and Consumption: An EEG and EDA Study.Amanda Sargent, Jan Watson, Hongjun Ye, Rajneesh Suri & Hasan Ayaz - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  10. Liberismo e liberalismo.Benedetto Croce, Luigi Einaudi & Giovanni Malagodi - 1988 - Milano: Ricciardi. Edited by Luigi Einaudi.
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    Fenomenologia dell'ombra: tre saggi.Luigi Azzariti-Fumaroli - 2020 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    La Filosofia contemporanea di fronte all' esperienza religiosa: atti del convegno di Reggio Emilia (25-29 maggio 1982).Fabio Bazzani, Luigi Rustichelli & Istituto Antonio Banfi - 1988
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    Carteggio Croce-L.A. Villari.Benedetto Croce & Luigi Antonio Villari - 1993
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  14. Logos dell’essere, logos della norma.Luigi Lombardi Vallauri (ed.) - 1999 - Bari: Editrice Adriatica.
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  15. Brill Online Books and Journals.Allan A. Lund & Luigi Pagliarini - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 59 (4).
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    Lo spazio sociale della ragione. Da Hegel in avanti.Italo Testa & Luigi Ruggiu (eds.) - 2009
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  17. Il nietzsche di Heidegger e il problema della metafisica.Luigi De Blasi - 2001 - Giornale di Metafisica 23 (3):459-498.
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    Recenti studi su Unamuno in Italia.Carmine Luigi Ferraro - 1996 - Idee 31:233-246.
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    The OpenPMU Project: Challenges and perspectives.David Laverty, Luigi Vanfretti, Iyad Al-Khatib, Viktor Applegreen, Robert Best & D. John Morrow - unknown
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  20. Governmentality and political ecology.Emanuele Leonardi & Luigi Pellizzoni - 2023 - In William Walters & Martina Tazzioli, Handbook on governmentality. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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    L'erede che ride: parodia ed etica della consumazione in Max Stirner.Mattia Luigi Pozzi - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  22. Addendum alla poesia esametrica pubblicata in Museum Helveticum (vol. III [1951] fasc. I, p. 2 ssg.) da R. Merkelbach, sotto il titolo 'Eine orphische Unterweltsbeschreibung auf Papyrus.'. [REVIEW]Achille Vogliano & Luigi Castiglioni - 1952 - Prolegomena: Documenti E Studi Storici E Filologici 1:100-107.
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    Luigi Giussani, the Church, and Youth in the 1950's.Luigi Giussani - 2007 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 10 (4):131-150.
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    Emotion regulation choice: the role of environmental affordances.Gaurav Suri, Gal Sheppes, Gerald Young, Damon Abraham, Kateri McRae & James J. Gross - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):963-971.
    ABSTRACTWhich emotion regulation strategy one uses in a given context can have profound affective, cognitive, and social consequences. It is therefore important to understand the determinants of emotion regulation choice. Many prior studies have examined person-specific, internal determinants of emotion regulation choice. Recently, it has become clear that external variables that are properties of the stimulus can also influence emotion regulation choice. In the present research, we consider whether reappraisal affordances, defined as the opportunities for re-interpretation of a stimulus that (...)
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    Opere di Luigi Scaravelli.Luigi Scaravelli & Mario Corsi - 1968 - Firenze,: La nuova Italia. Edited by Mario Corsi.
    1. Critica de capire e altri scritti. 2. Scritti kantiani. 3. L'analitica trascendentale. 4. Il problema della scienza e il giudizio storico.
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  26. Luigi Knapp e la sua filosofia del diritto.Luigi Secco - 1936 - Padova,: R. Zannoni.
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    Fonament de l'axiologia de Plató.(La interpretació del platonisme a l'escola de Tubinga).Manuel Canals Surís - 1996 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 9:49.
  28. Razvitie v prirode, kulʹture i istorii: issledovanie v forme dialogov.Aleksandr Maĭsuri︠a︡n - 2000 - Moskva: Klub XXI vek.
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  29. An epistemological approach to customary law.Suri Ratnapala - 1995 - In Christoph J. Nyíri, Tradition: proceedings of an international research workshop at IFK, Vienna, 10-12 June 1994. Wien: Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften.
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    (1 other version)Why a Connectionist Perspective on Emotion is Helpful.Gaurav Suri & James J. Gross - forthcoming - Emotion Review:175407392210896.
    To make progress related to long-standing questions related to the nature of emotion, we offer the Interactive Activation and Competition framework for Emotion. The IAC-E is not another con...
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    Integrating Pragmatism and Ethics in Entrepreneurial Leadership for Sustainable Value Creation.Gita Surie & Allan Ashley - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (1):235-246.
    The relationship between entrepreneurship and ethics has largely been characterized as antithetical. In this article we develop a conceptual model integrating pragmatism, a philosophical approach that emphasizes experimentation and action characteristic of entrepreneurial leadership, with ethics to suggest that the two are not incompatible and that sustaining entrepreneurial leadership for value creation necessitates ethical action to build legitimacy. Case studies from the United States and India highlight the necessity of infusing pragmatism with ethics for sustainable entrepreneurial leadership.
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    Reminiscences of Vijaya Dharma SūriVijaya Dharma Sūri. His Life and WorkReminiscences of Vijaya Dharma SuriVijaya Dharma Suri. His Life and Work.Helen M. Johnson, Vijaya Indra Sūri, A. J. Sunavala & Vijaya Indra Suri - 1925 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 45:328.
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  33. Luigi Pirandello and Miguel de Unamuno:" Identity" and" creation of persona".Carmine Luigi Ferraro - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (2):297-326.
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    (1 other version)Jurisprudence of liberty.Suri Ratnapala - 1996 - Charlottesville, Va.: Michie. Edited by Gabriël Moens.
    Collection of fifteen essays by international scholars examining connections between legal theory and liberty. Discusses Hayek's theory of rules and the modern state and law as a voluntary enterprise and as a knowledge process. Of use as a text and research tool for students of law, politics and philosophy. Includes references and an index. The editors lecture in law at the University of Qld.
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    What is an Emotion? A Connectionist Perspective.Gaurav Suri & James J. Gross - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (2):99-110.
    Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 99-110, April 2022. Researchers often disagree as to whether emotions are largely consistent across people and over time, or whether they are variable. They also disagree as to whether emotions are initiated by appraisals, or whether they may be initiated in diverse ways. We draw upon Parallel-Distributed-Processing to offer an algorithmic account in which features of an emotion instance are bi-directionally connected to each other via conjunction units. We propose that such indirect connections (...)
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    Alla ricerca della sovranità: persona, Chiesa e Stato nel pensiero di Luigi Sturzo.Luigi Barbieri - 2011 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino. Edited by Luigi Sturzo.
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    Botero e la 'Ragion di Stato': atti del convegno in memoria di Luigi Firpo (Torino 8-10 marzo 1990).Luigi Firpo & Artemio Enzo Baldini (eds.) - 1992 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Emotion regulation and successful aging.Gaurav Suri & James J. Gross - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (8):409-410.
  39.  32
    Principia iuris: teoria del diritto e della democrazia.Luigi Ferrajoli - 2007 - Roma: GLF editori Laterza.
    1. Teoria del diritto -- 2. Teoria della democrazia -- 3. La sintassi del diritto.
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    Emotion regulation choice: a broad examination of external factors.Gerald Young & Gaurav Suri - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (2):242-261.
    Emotion regulation choices are known to be profoundly consequential across affective, cognitive, and social domains. Prior studies have identified two important external factors of emotion regulati...
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    Authors' Reply: Why a Connectionist Perspective on Emotion is Helpful.Gaurav Suri & James J. Gross - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (2):116-120.
    Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 2, Page 116-120, April 2022. To make progress related to long-standing questions related to the nature of emotion, we offer the Interactive Activation and Competition framework for Emotion. The IAC-E is not another conventional theory of emotion. Rather, it offers a neural-network-based, algorithmic account of how emotion instances and categories arise. Our approach suggests that there need not be a contradiction between instances of the same emotion being sometimes consistent and sometimes variable. Similarly, there need (...)
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    (2 other versions)Jurisprudence.Suri Ratnapala - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Law as it is -- Law and morality -- Social dimensions of law -- Rights and justice.
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    Risk evaluation and informed consent for ovum donation: A clinical perspective.Luigi Mastroianni - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (4):28 – 29.
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    L'autonomia della ragione: matematica e critica dell'esperienza nel pensiero di Ernst Cassirer.Luigi Laino - 2019 - Napoli: Guida editori.
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    The Communicative Process: An Interpretive Study of George H. Mead's Theory of Language.Surindar Suri - 1953 - Synthese 9 (3/5):289.
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    The Trident Case and the Evolutionary Theory of F. A. Hayek.Ratnapala Suri - 1993 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 13 (2):201-226.
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    The Relationship between IT Integration, Organizational Culture, and Supply Chain Performance.Sahil Suri, Nagraj Patil, Prakhar Goyal, Amita Garg, Lovish Dhingra, Mukul Pandey & Dr Anand Kopare - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:904-912.
    IT integration plays an important role in boosting supply chain performance (SCP) in today’s dynamic organizational environment. It becomes easier for real-time data sharing, collaboration, and communication among supply chain participants. However, the prevailing organizational culture has a considerable impact on how effective IT integration exists, as it can either help or hinder the adoption and exploitation of IT integration. The relationship between SCP, organizational culture, and IT integration is examined in this study. Measurement model assurance and research hypothesis examination (...)
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  48. Estetica: Teoria della formatività.Luigi Pareyson - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (2):314-315.
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    Sul problema ontologico nel pensiero di Werner Heisenberg.Luigi Laino - 2011 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 24:245-260.
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    Kallimachos: Werke. Griechisch und deutsch (review).Luigi Lehnus - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (3):320-322.
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